Photo by CDC on Unsplash
I don’t think I’ve ever had a more relaxing spring break than this year. We didn’t go anywhere, or do anything. We left the house once a week trips to the grocery store. That’s it. Consequently, it was the longest spring break I’ve ever experienced. By the end, I was so relaxed.
Then came the week just past.
Teachers got the marching orders. We got schedules for classes and the list of expectations. We went to work researching, planning and creating resources.
I loved what I was doing. One of my favourite things about being a teacher is linking content to students to skills, in other words, I like planning. And then trying to figure out how to optimize the technology to do it. So I happily dug into the work.
By Friday, I could barely stand. My back was seized up from my hips to my neck.
I hadn’t really paid any attention to my body–my mind was completely engaged, and it expected the body to do it’s bit; it just couldn’t keep up.
Reflecting on it, it was a combination of stress and too much sitting at the computer.
But I have sat at the computer for days without these effects. Just two weeks ago, my gaming buddies and I met online for our bi-annual Game Weekend LAN Party. It was supposed to be in Seattle, but we cancelled of course–so we worked out a four-day schedule of gaming, and went at it. By the end of it all, my back was the same as when we started–it was like jelly.
So I figure it’s not just sitting. It must also be the stress.
And when I teach in “real life” there is some stress as well, but then I walk and stand all day long. All last week, I just sat.
It would have been a good idea to get away from the computer this weekend, but that wasn’t possible. So I sat in front of the computer for two more days. I got up every once and a while and I think that helped. I’ve been stretching some. So it’s not as bad as it was.
Here I am, sitting at the computer, awaiting my first virtual class.
If you have any suggestions as to how to get the back loosened up, and then keep it that way. Let me know.
I’m considering working some sort of make-shift standing desk!
I’ve seen these desks. I’ve been curious. I wonder if you’d get tired. Thanks, Naomi