Year: 2022

Remember the Titan is a Bad Movie

A lot of people, a lot of Christians, love Remember the Titans, but doing so shows a lack of discernment–it’s bad. We establish boundaries around the movies our family will watch, but we enthusiastically let this one in. Perhaps the “G” rating isn’t an adequate measure of a movie’s merit.



How to go back to church with “those” people

Christians responded differently to the Covid-19 pandemic. Attitudes became entrenched and sometimes hostile. How are we to deal with the divisions created by differing opinions about masks, shutdowns, and vaccinations when we all come back together in corporate worship? C. S. Lewis’s book The Screwtape Letters is helpful here.


What is a Sonnet?

Petrarch wrote Italian sonnets, and Thomas Wyatt took the form to England. Then came Shakespeare.  This video reviews the difference between Petrarchan sonnets and Shakespearean sonnets.  Then offers an analysis of four Shakespearean sonnets,  specifically:  Sonnet 29 — “When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes”; Sonnet 73 — “That time of year thou mayst in me behold”; Sonnet 116 — “Let me not to the marriage of true minds”; and Sonnet 130 — “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun.”


YOLO vs. Carpe Diem

What’s the difference between carpe diem, YOLO, and the Christian view of “seizing the day”? We consider C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters–the demons want our focus to be on the future.


Carpe Diem Poetry and YOLO

First, an analysis of Robert Herrick’s “To the Virgins” and Andrew Marvel’s “To His Coy Mistress,” and then the difference between carpe diem, YOLO (You Only Lie Once), and Christian carpe diem. We consider C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters–the demons don’t like us to “seize the day.”


Writing Creative Non-Fiction

Creative Non-Fiction is a great genre for school writing. Every year I assign a creative non-fiction essay to my students. In this video, I read, and talk through some of the processes involved in composing the essay called “Coffee and Conscience.”

Why Christians Should Read Fairy-Tales

Should we read Fairy Tales to our children? Can Christians read Harry Potter? This video is about the relationship between faith and fantasy.


This video concludes the discussion that fairy tales offer us a true picture of reality. They show us the effects of the Fall and an almost universal desire for Redemption and a happy ending:




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